El objetivo de esta política es informar a los interesados acerca de los distintos tratamientos realizados por esta asociación mediante la página web y que afecten a sus datos personales de conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales y el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016.
La asociación FUNDACIÓN PARA LA ACCIÓN SOCIAL POR LA MÚSICA, domiciliada en la C/ MORETO 10 1º (28014 MADRID) con N.I.F. G86780525, teléfono de contacto: y correo electrónico
Depending on the case, we will process your personal data provided through our web forms for the following purposes:
- To deal with requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- To protect and exercise our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
- Where appropriate, sending commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
- Gestionamos sus datos para programar la cita solicitada.
- Gestionar, administrar, supervisar su actividad en el blog/foro incorporado.
- Management of the relationship with volunteers committed to the organisation.
- To deal with requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- Where appropriate, sending commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- To manage your data and provide it, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our organisation.
- To verify your identity, thus avoiding possible mistakes in your actions as a volunteer.
- To protect our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
- Management of donations made through the website.
- Respond to queries and deal with requests, complaints or incidents sent through the contact channels included on this page.
- Where appropriate, sending commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- To manage your data and provide it, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our organisation.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- To verify your identity, thus avoiding possible errors in your actions as a donor.
- To protect our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
- Gestión de la relación establecida con los colaboradores comprometidos con la Organización.
- Respond to queries and deal with requests, complaints or incidents sent through the contact channels included on this page.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- Para proteger y ejercer nuestros derechos o responder ante reclamaciones de cualquier índole.
- To manage your data and provide it, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our organisation.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- Para verificar su identidad, evitando así posibles errores en su acciones como colaborador.
- Envío de comunicaciones relativas a nuevas ofertas de trabajo que realicemos y se adecuen a tus necesidades; siempre y cuando nos hayas autorizado, previamente, a enviarte dicha información.
- Management of the relationship established with partners committed to the Organisation.
- Respond to queries and deal with requests, complaints or incidents sent through the contact channels included on this page.
- Where appropriate, sending commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- To manage your data and provide it, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our organisation.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- To verify your identity, thus avoiding possible errors in your membership actions.
- To protect our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
- Management of the relationship established with partners committed to the Organisation.
- Respond to queries and deal with requests, complaints or incidents sent through the contact channels included on this page.
- To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
- To manage your data and provide it, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our organisation.
- Comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
- To verify your identity, thus avoiding possible errors in your membership actions.
- To protect our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
- Where appropriate, sending commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
- El consentimiento que nos has prestado para tratar tus datos con las finalidades indicadas. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., but may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in paragraph eight of this policy
- Ejecución de un contrato en el que sea parte o aplicación de medidas precontractuales. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- In the consent you have given us to process your data for purposes unrelated to the development or execution of the existing contract. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., but may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in paragraph eight of this policy
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., but may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in paragraph eight of this policy
- El consentimiento que nos has prestado para tratar tus datos con las finalidades indicadas. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- Ejecución de un contrato en el que sea parte o aplicación de medidas precontractuales. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- In the consent you have given us to process your data for purposes unrelated to the development or execution of the existing contract. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., aunque podrá ejercer, en su caso, los derechos reconocidos en el apartado octavo de la presente política.
We will process your personal data provided through our web forms in order to:
- Ejecución de un contrato en el que sea parte o aplicación de medidas precontractuales. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- In the consent you have given us to process your data for purposes unrelated to the development or execution of the existing contract. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., but may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in paragraph eight of this policy
We will process your personal data provided through our web forms in order to:
- Ejecución de un contrato en el que sea parte o aplicación de medidas precontractuales. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- In the consent you have given us to process your data for purposes unrelated to the development or execution of the existing contract. La negativa a facilitar sus datos personales conlleva la imposibilidad de tratar sus datos con las finalidades mencionadas.
- To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data..
- In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data., but may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in paragraph eight of this policy
The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were originally collected.
Once the data are no longer necessary for the processing in question, they will be kept duly blocked in order to, where appropriate, make them available to the competent Public Administrations and Bodies, Judges and Courts or the Public Prosecutor's Office, in accordance with the statute of limitations period for any actions that may arise from the relationship maintained with the customer and/or the conservation periods provided for by law.
En el caso de que nos hayas facilitado tu curriculum, conservaremos tus datos durante el periodo máximo de un año desde la recepción del mismo por parte de la entidad, salvo que nos hayas autorizado a mantener tus datos por un periodo de conservación mayor al indicado.
Data blocking period:
THE CIVIL CODE. Between 5 or 15 years, depending on the case, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1964.2 of the aforementioned law.
- THE COMMERCIAL CODE. Durante 6 años, atendiendo a lo dispuesto en el artículo 30 del cuerpo legal mencionado. Se aplica respecto de la información mercantil relacionada con (facturas emitidas y recibidas, tickets, facturas rectificativas, documentos bancarios, etc.).
- THE GENERAL TAX LAW. Durante 4 años atendiendo a lo dispuesto en los artículos 66 a 70 del cuerpo legal mencionado. Se aplica a la información relacionada con las obligaciones fiscales.
The website does not make automated decisions or create profiles.
For the duration of the processing of your personal data, the organisation may transfer your data to the following recipients:
- Judges and Courts.
- State Security Forces and Corps.
- Other competent public authorities or bodies, where the controller is under a legal obligation to provide the personal data.
- Bancos y Entidades Financieras, en el caso de que nos contraten.
The organisation does not carry out any International Data Transfer.
Interested parties may exercise at any time and free of charge the rights of access, rectification and erasure, as well as to request the restriction of the processing of their personal data, to object to the processing, to request the portability of their personal data (where technically possible) or to withdraw the consent given.and, where appropriate, where applicablenot be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling.
To do so, you may use the forms provided by the organisation, or send a letter to the postal address or e-mail address indicated above. In any case, your application must be accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent document, in order to prove your identity.
In case you feel that your rights concerning the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority. (Spanish Data Protection Agency), through its website:
En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el artículo 21 de la Ley 34/2002 de servicios de la sociedad de la información y comercio electrónico, si usted no desea recibir más información sobre nuestros servicios, puede darse de baja enviando un correo electrónico a la dirección, con asunto “BAJAS” o bien haciendo click en el apartado del correo *para darse de baja*.
El interesado garantiza que los datos aportados son verdaderos, exactos, completos y se encuentran actualizados; comprometiéndose a informar de cualquier cambio respecto de los datos que aportará, por los canales habilitados al efecto e indicados en el punto uno de la presente política. Será responsable de cualquier daño o perjuicio, tanto directo como indirecto, que pudiera ocasionar como consecuencia del incumplimiento de la presente obligación.
En el supuesto de que el usuario facilite datos de terceros, declara que cuenta con el consentimiento de los interesados y se compromete a trasladar la información contenida en esta cláusula, eximiendo a la organización de cualquier responsabilidad derivada por la falta de cumplimiento de la presente obligación.